Franchises are in a unique position to generate positive news media attention and reap all the benefits it creates. This includes profile and reputation building, which leads to massive growth in bottom lines and new Franchisees. Not only does the greater name recognition that Franchises possess help attract the eye of media, but having Franchisees in multiple locations means that media coverage can be generated across the entire country with the same material and minimal work.
This course is specifically designed for Franchisors and Franchisees. It shows you how to get this coverage yourselves in minimal time. It turns you into part-time media savvy news hunters who can generate thousands of dollars worth of free press quickly without spending a cent.
Course details :
The course is presented in the form of 12 videos with a combined time of 86 minutes, plus exercises.
Course notes are all downloadable, while access is granted to the Franchisor and all Franchisees for 12 months.
YOUR INVESTMENT NORMALLY ONLY AUD $2997 for everyone in the franchise.