What You Will Receive As Part Of This Offer...
Franchise Crisis Communication Plan
If your Franchise does find itself in the midst of a crisis or adverse event that attracts lots of media and public interest, your reputation could take a huge hit if you’re not prepared. A crisis communication plan is that preparation. It covers thing like who will do what when media start arriving on the doorstep, how you’ll deal with social media anger and many other things.

This plan template and accompanying video instructions is specifically designed for Franchisors. It shows you what to do to be prepared, and let’s you fill in the gaps where necessary. It also includes 6 holding statements on issues that could affect your franchise.

These days you need to respond to stakeholders and the media within minutes of something happening to maintain your reputation. These statement allow you to fill in the gaps and send them out within minutes. See the accompanying video to see what this looks like. Your crisis communication plan is an insurance policy on your reputation.

YOUR INVESTMENT NORMALLY ONLY AUD $3997 for the franchise.
Grow Your Franchise Profits With Free Press Online Course
Franchises are in a unique position to generate positive news media attention and reap all the benefits it creates. This includes profile and reputation building, which leads to massive growth in bottom lines and new Franchisees. Not only does the greater name recognition that Franchises possess help attract the eye of media, but having Franchisees in multiple locations means that media coverage can be generated across the entire country with the same material and minimal work.
This course is specifically designed for Franchisors and Franchisees. It shows you how to get this coverage yourselves in minimal time. It turns you into part-time media savvy news hunters who can generate thousands of dollars worth of free press quickly without spending a cent.

Course details :
The course is presented in the form of 12 videos with a combined time of 86 minutes, plus exercises. Course notes are all downloadable, while access is granted to the Franchisor and all Franchisees for 12 months.
YOUR INVESTMENT NORMALLY ONLY AUD $2997 for everyone in the franchise.  
Media Interview Training for Franchises
Media interviews are different from other conversations. That’s because reporters only use snippets of the interview in the stories they write or produce. This is why you need to approach a media interview differently. Basically you need to work out what you want the story to focus on and keep coming back to those points. There is a particular way to do this. That’s the focus of this training.
This course is designed specifically for Franchisors and Franchisees. What’s unique about it are the two sections. Firstly, the videos show you want to do. Then secondly, you are asked to put your news skills to the test through our inbuilt Franchise-focused interview scenarios you take part in through your computer webcam.

Course details :
The course is presented in two parts. There are 10 videos explaining the media interview process ranging from developing what you want to say to adapting to different interview formats.  Access is for four people from the Franchise for 12 months. 

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