Franchise Media Training was launched in 2016 by former journalist and government press
secretary, Pete Burdon.
The company offers products and services to show those in the sector how to sell more
franchises and grow existing profits by generating masses of free news media coverage in their target media. Franchise Media Training also prepares franchises to deal with any potential negative media attention, while Pete speaks regularly at franchise conferences and other event.
The business was started for two important reasons. Firstly, because franchises have so much more to offer the media in the way of positive stories than any other businesses. This is because of their proven credibility, plus their multi-site locations. But despite this incredible opportunity, few have taken advantage of it.
Franchise Media Training has a unique point of difference with other more general media
training companies. Apart from the niche focus, all of its training focuses is on meeting the needs of both franchisors and the news media.
This is because the best way to generate positive media attention and all the massive benefits that creates is to help reporters and producers get good stories. In other words, its not about ‘scoring some free publicity,” but about helping reporters get good stories. Then everyone wins.
The same approach is taken when it comes to preparing for possible negative attention.
Franchise Media Training is a member of both the Franchise Council of Australia and the Franchise Association of New Zealand.